Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Raining and stalking

Hollla Hollla Hollllaaaaa!!!
I am so happy today!!
For mulitple reasons. 
I´ll give you a few of them.

First, I just found out that we have a conference this week with just hermanas...and ALL the hermanas in the mission!! Its going to be a party. I admit I almost CRIED tears of JOY when I heard. I´m still a little shaky about it. That conveys just how much I love all my companions and mission buddies here! 

Second, my roommates (from Argentina and Nicarouga) made us an awesome lunch of very interesting foods today. It was great because I ran out of money so I cant buy food...and they are just so wonderful. They are hilarious. I dont think I am never not laughing. Sometimes its a problem even. We cant sleep at night because we just keep laughing. Oh well...there could be worse problems in life. ha But really life here in our little yellow house is so fun!!

Third, the Andes that tower over us are officially drenched in snow. Its beautiful. And really cold. That only means more time around the fire (every house has a indoor fire pit) and tea!

Thats good for now.

This week we got our first batch of rain. I never imagined rain could be so powerful. Or cold. It rains so hard that in about 5 mins the streets are completely flooded. They are rivers that carry dogs, branches and trash in them. Its kind of gross to wade/swim through them, but we dont have much of a choice. This week our little rockstar Julia who just got baptized last week accompanied us in the rain! That just shows how awesome she is! Being wet and freezing all day is fun sometimes...I´m hoping for a few dry days soon though. The amazing thing is we still havent gotten sick! That is a straightup miracle!!

We had a interesting lunch this week with a member who relayed to us some information about an hermana missionary serving here. The information was so shocking and bad that I had to immediately call the president. Thats never fun. I just wish every could be obeident and good. Oh well...the work goes forth!

Our house has been infested with fleas or something again. As much as I try to clean I just cant keep up with the dogs here. My poor companion has little bites all over here. I wont explain what it looks like. But we really enjoyed our time being itch free while it lasted! I think we need those flea dog collars....seriously. 

We have been teaching this lady who is really awesome. Let me tell you about her. She has two kids and lives with her boyfriend who has serious depression..and just about every other kind of problem in the book. She has the strongest testimony. She bought a Preach my gospel and goes out and proselytes by herself! She contacts, tracts and teaches people. The only reason she isnt baptized is because she cant marry her boyfriend because he needs to divorce his other wife before he can marry her..yeah. We are working on that one. But she could teach our members a few things about missionary work! 

We also are teaching another family who needs to get married. They have three darling little boys and are so fun to teach!! The mom has so many questions! Most of them bible related so I have really had to study up on the bible lately. She has been looking so hard and diligently for the truth. She is really unhappy and just wants to know the truth! We have tried and tried to help her see that she has to show some faith and keep the commandments before she can know the truth of them. It makes me so sad. Some people I feel just have blindfolds on. She is looking for and wants what we have...but just cant see it! OPEN YOUR EYES! I want this so bad for her and her family! Its devastating for us to experience. But a good reminder of the importance of faith BEFORE the answers.

One funny story...
So we saw a black lady and a little son walking along the street about two weeks ago. We pretty much never see black people here and I got really excited and ran to contact them. She wasnt super interested but said we could pass by and visit one day. Except she didnt want to give us her address. She just said her house was "over there". I thought this experience was too precious to pass up and was determined that she get baptized...well at least that we get the opportunity to teach her. So...I made a split second decision to secretly follow her to her house. Just kind of casually walk behind trees and see where they went. Then this week we decided to contact their house. We asked if she was there and were invited in to wait for her in the kitchen. In my mind I expected..I dont know...amazment and pure joy that we had found her and were there to teach. But she entered in...looked amazed...but only asked.."how did you find my house?" She didnt really ask it in a happy way...so my companion said "oh you told us where you lived remember" ..."NO...I did NOT! I told you it was in this direction. How did you find me?" Awkward silence. I guess thats why you shouldnt follow people to their houses. She left the room after that and we ended up teaching her friend. Our lesson with her went really well so I guess it all ended good. We laughed a lot about it. 

I know I was really frusterated with our little branch last week. And this week I tried really hard to find the members that were willing to help and figure out what we could do to help them. I prayed a lot about it and was blessed with what I needed. More love for them. And even though the problems are still there...our attitude about it is different. And we found that there are lots of people here who want to help and want to be good and faithful. They just need a little help and motivation. And a little more unity and willingness to work with each other. Its all going to work out. 

Thats pretty much all I have to say today. 
I cant believe you all are at Sly Park today. This is the first year I have missed. Oh well...I am cold and in the mountains too (with lots of firepits) and walk all day long so its pretty much the same haha We´ll sing some argentinan camp songs tonight to really have the whole experience. 

Have a great week!! 

Hermana Orchard

Everyone hangs trash on the fences here.

Actividad de Zona