Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 7: I Arrived!

Hola from the land of the cutest children and babies this world has ever known!

Sorry I never got the chance to call home. The airports were craziness.
But I am here and I am alive and HAPPY!

Leaving the precious CCM was hard. The elders cried...none of the sisters did though. Maybe boys are more sentimental than girls. Anyways, as we were driving out of the gates into the real world some of the elders in my district ran after our van screaming. I had forgotten one of my bags! The elders are always helping me out.

The plane ride was long. And lasted all night long. We boarded the plane at 7 pm and landed in santiago at 8 am. I didnt sleep at all. I tried but the guy next to me was kind of drunk and they kept turning on the lights and serving food. Like at 2 am they turned on all the lights and handed out breakfast. Who wants breakfast at 2 am?? But we landed and a bunch of us lost little puppies hobbled around the airport trying to figure out where on earth to go and what to do. A nice man took our hands and led us to our connecting flight. We landed in Concepcion and met our president and all that jazz. The airport looked like the inside of a cabin haa.

And thus started the longest day of my life. I cant really remember what happened except that I was dreaming of bed and normal food and sleep. Somehwere in there I got assigned a trainer and we started the haul of my luggage to a bus stop. In case you cant remember what my luggage looks is big and HEAVY and getting it on a crazy bus was...well crazy- The busses dont fully stop so you kinf of hop on and off while it is in motion. Its a roller coaster. Especially with luggage we all just fell over and and rolled around with on the floor. It was pretty funny. And I was a little overwhlemed.

I got a bit more overwhelmed when we arrived at our "house". Its pretty much a tin box type thing-. Its an adventure. Well leave it at that haha Fun has dirt floors! And a plant is growing! Yay for gardens inside the house! haha

Let me back up. So I am in Chillancito. Its a city about 10 mins outside of concepcion. About 7 miles from the ocean. You can taste the salt in the air. Its wonderful. Chile is gorgeous. Its just rolling green mountains and hills. Lots of wild flowers and and trees. Lots of trash everywhere. Lots of rabid dogs we spend our days running away from.

We live with two other sisters. One who I came with from the MTC. Sister Lees...actually the first sister I met coming to the MTC. And then another sister whos blog I found before I came. So I know all about her and get to creep her out with my extensive knowledge of her haha. My My companion is awesome too. I love them all SO much! This whole thing would be really hard without them. But we have a ball together. Singing and staying up way too late talking. Its fun. Its a blast really.  I also sleep realy really well at night. haha Dont ask me why the font just changed into italics. Thats an accident.

Some fun things about Chile. Everyone here thinks I am blonde. We get lots of whistles and men running and calling after us. Its a little creepy...but most of the time they are drunk so its okay. Lots of cobble streets and horse drawn carriages...on the freeway. Ill have to get a picture of that sometime hha. Chileans love to stay up late. Like ward activites go to midnight...and if you are out of the house before 10 are the only one up. People are always trying to touch my face and hair. Im not sure what is so fascinating about it. Or take pictures of us. Everyone kises here. The bishop kisses the relief sociey ladies and everyone just kises everyone. All. the. time. As missionaries we can only kiss other girls. Its like a little kiss thing on their cheek. Even strangers. We spend half ur day just kissing people. You walk into church and have to kiss every girl or they will be super offended. And then when you leave you kiss them all again...and you cant miss anyone. You see someone on the kiss them. Lots of kissing...not sure how to emphasize how big a part of this it is. Ill be coming home much more affectionate I am sure. 

People basically live at the church building. Any time we stop by there there are always families in their baking or just hanging out.

Back to the first day...we taught some lessons and then went to the church for a ward activity. I couldnt understand a word anyone said...nor could they understand a word I said. It was kind of sad. Some people, are really mena about it too. That night I was so exhuasted and overwhelmed I just wanted to lay in the corner and cry. But I made it to 11:30 when I finally got to lay in bed. I fell asleep so fast I didnt even notice the multiplude of bugs that live with us. And live with us they do...since there are like 3 foot openings in the walls.
Food.....ahahahaha oh boy. Lunch is a big BIG deal here. They dont really eat breakfast or dinner...but it is chow time at lunch! We eat with a family every day for lunch. They give you the biggest portions I have ever seen...and if you dont eat it all they get really offended and never come to church again. No joke. You also have to acept seconds. The food is basically rice, chicken, mayonnaise and oil. The walk home is normally a game of who is going to throw up first. They say I will get used to it soon...but for now I would just rather not eat anything. The bread is really good though! So thats a good thing....Everyone gains a ton of weight here just because you eat a ton of super unhealthy food. There is not much choice in that. So perdon me if I dont send home any more pictures of myself haha. Also the oil is obviusly not good for skin or anything. Oh these people need some nutrition lessons. But for now just lets all accept that I wont be coming home looking the same. Oh well. Its all worth it!
We are in a super poor area. Most people are esentially homeless. They live in little shacks made of scrap wood and metal. And are about the size of one or two closets. It is extremely humbling. Its hard to describe how these people are...I almost dont want to try. But they are the best. They are so humble and so sweet. We visited a man last night who is a new convert. His name is Raul. He reminds me of grandpa Orchard. Just so sweet. He sat on his bed (his house was basically his bed and a table) and he taught me about how to truly be a disciple. He then gave us bread to eat...I know if was the only food he had. It was worht it to come all the way here for 18 months even if I only am able to have that experience with him. I want to write more but I am out of time. 

The people are so sweet. It seems like they have nothing...but really they have everything. We could all learn so much from them. There are so many people here who are lost and broken. It seems the world has forgotten and overlooked them. They live next to train tracks and and in alleys among the dogs and trash. They need to be found and shown light! Let us all try and find those lost overlooked people and help them find their way home.
Shall we not go on in so great a cause?

Hermana Orchard (no one here can pronouce my name either)

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