Monday, January 13, 2014

Robbed by gypsies

Hola Hola!!

So I`ll start off this with an embaressing story of the century I decided to let you all in on.

Lately I have been trying every avenue to try and get people to feed me less. Hermana Tejerina said she would help me out and talk to the relief society president about it. I told her to tell the sisters that my stomach hurt or something so to not feed me much this week. So we are sitting in sacrament meeting when the bishop gets up to make announcements. I`ll try and and translate what happened here..."Brothers and Sisters, if you have the missionaries for lunch this week please do not feed Hermana Orchard much because she has been having problems with diarreah." uhhh....WHAT??? WHAT just got announced about me over the pulpit?? That is definitely NOT what I told Hermana Tejerina to say.

And its moments like those that I am reminded I am far away from America.  All I could do is laugh and cover my face with my hymnal as I had about 7 bottles of fiber pills handed over to me.

One day I was trying to figure out some of the cultural why it is totally okay to call someone fat and ugly as a nickname but stupid is a swearword. (Taylor Swift is playing in the internet cafe right now....I could die!! Its been so long!) It lead to an interesting discussion about the values of of our countries. I then asked why all latinas have such beautiful strong hair. She said that every baby at about 1 or 2 years has their head shaved! After its shaved the hair grows back thicker, stronger and shinier! If a baby doesnt have their head shaved they will have really weak hair. And I thought...who has the best hair in our family? Emily! Who had her head shaved as a baby!  I`m totally going to shave all my babies heads!!

Last P-day we had an unusual experience. There is a gelato place in the city where you can buy mountains of gelato for almost nothing. So we always go and get a scoop of everything and then eat it by this huge fountain as it melts all over us. Well last week we were njoying our gelato and sunshine when a woman came up to us and asked for money or something. We all just shook our heads no...well all of us except hermana Tejerina who is too sweet to deny anyone anything. Within seconds we were surrounded by at least 15 gypsies. They grabbed our palms and started muttering and rubbing them with sticks and clumps of leaves. One tried cutting off some of my hair. We tried getting up to leave but we had a tight crowd of them around us of chanting and other weird stuff. Finally we were able to grab our bags (which they had grabbed) and push through. They followed us for awhile saying we owed them money and were going to curse us or something. (In the last 20 mins I have heard like every one of my favorite songs played in here....I cant decide if this is a dream come true or Satanas tempting me) Then we realized that Hermana Tejerina wasnt with us but was still at the fountain surrounded by them...and with a womans hand IN her backpack rummaging through her wallet! We ran ovr and grabbed hermana and her backpack. The woman had grabbed 5 mil out of hermanas wallet and wouldnt give it back. So we just ran and ran until we were inside a more normal part of the city. I think it was the first time I have actually been really frightened here. We will not be going back to that fountain today.

My focus this transfer has been to get the youth in our ward involved with missionary work. So we  get them to accompany us everyday. They have learned to like it so much that they will accompany us the ENTIRE day! We normally have a group of 5 or 6 with ages from 14-19. They dance around us, singing, running and contacting for us. Its great. Its so much fun! I love them all so much and it makes everything worth it when they say they have decided to serve missions too! We are also teaching a ton more youth now! And our investigators have instant friends!

The days are too short. Almost before its started it over and I feel like time is just slipping through my hands way too fast. I want to stay here with these amazing youth and my incredible house of missionaries forever! Last night we had a FHE with one of my favorite families in the ward. They live on top of this huge hill that overlooks the city and it is so gorgeous. We had gathered quite a large group of youth to come with us and as we sat on the porch drinking mango juice these increible youth shared their stories of missionary work and talked about how they could be better example to their families and friends (most of them are the only members in their family). And I just could life get better than this? There are so many amazing people in this world....but I feel like the best of the best are Chillancito. Living with me in our apartment that is so tiny yet feels like what heaven is supposed to be like.

We have been trying to help one of the young woman in our ward out. She said one day she didnt think she had a testimony. So we had her accompany us for a few days. We went and visited a less active lady and she gave us some hard story that me and me comapnion had no idea how to answer. So we just kind of sat there....waiting for some inspiration...when sweet Claria just started talking. She bore her testimony and cried...and we cried...and the lady cried...and it was so amazing. And after she said "I think I know this is true. I get it now!" And we said YES! It is true!! Now go on a mission and convert thousands!

I can't express how much I love the youth here!! Last night (after accompanying us the whole day) they walked us all the way to our apartment. The whole time skipping and singing and laughing....and laughing at my spanish haha. And then I realize transfers is in two weeks...and I cry. Because the day I have to leave this place will be the saddest in my life.

My companion is so amazing and supportive. She is an awesome missionary and teaches bomb lessons! Hermana Lee`s and has been the biggest blessing ever to me. I have learned an incredible amount from her and been entertained by her never ending energy and humor. And Hermana Tejerina...oh easily one of my most favorite humans in the world. I dont know HOW I got lucky enough to end up with her. Not only does she braid my hair everyday, give me endless back massages, teach me spanish grammar for hours on end (and endless pep talks too) but she is easily the funnest person I have come in contact with. I know we were friends before. In fact so many times I meet here...I just think...this is not the first time we have met.

I used to think I wanted to be in America on my mission. With no dogs, clean bathrooms, less food and mayonnaise and english. But I would not trade this for the world. These people, this place that is so unbelievably gorgeous and the opportunity to be a missionary!

I hope everyone has a beautiful day and remembers that each person we come in contact with is a Child of God and has amazing potential. Lets try and see the potential in others and love them for the person they can one day become!

Hermana Orchard